Monday, August 6, 2007

Let's go on an Adventure, Mommy!

My daughter asked me if we could go on an adventure and just take a walk around the town square. Well of course we can! I thought this little adventure would be a great chance to get a few candid moments of my two just playing around! As we were walking through the square, Gaby decided to take us on a detour down a small alley way, when we discovered a neat little location tucked away down another little alley way that connected to the one we were walking down! We were a bit surprised at what we found. This big door had a lot of noise coming from the other side. My daughter puts her ear to the door and listens. Then she yells "Mommy there are people inside!". So I put my ear to the door and what do I hear? Homer Simpson's annoying voice yelling "Doh!" !!! Come to find out, the door is the emergency exit to our local theater! How cool! Gaby thought it was just hysterical!

She looks so small looking up at this huge door!

She decided to scare me and jump off the steps!

Walking back to the car.
And of course, a shot of my little man.
He wasn't too happy on this adventure!

Gaby had a blast and is already making plans for
her official photo shoot with that door and alley!