Thursday, September 6, 2007


I've been tagged by Katie.
I am supposed to tell 8 little known facts about myself and then tag 8 others.

#1. I am seriously addicted to Starbucks! I make excuses to drive almost 20 minutes to the nearest Starbucks. A tall Cafe Vanilla Frappciano with an extra shot of expresso and skim milk is my best friend! Even worse, is my two kids have become addicted to it as well! They practically attack me to get a few drinks!

#2. I have extreme motion sickness. But the motion sickness pills you can buy make me so sleepy that I can't take them and still function! I am ALWAYS the driver when my husband and I go out.

#3. I am a control freak when it comes to the car radio/cd player. I hate it when the passenger turns the station!

#4. I am a serious procrastinator. It's my dad's fault! I inherited that trait from him!

#5. I'm a list maker. I make lists for everything. I feel so unorganized and out of control when I don't have a list to look at! But when I am at the grocery store, I'll almost always forget something from my grocery list! HA!

#6. I hate hand washing the dishes. I know, I lazy! What can I say, I am in love with my dishwasher! Last week the dishwasher started to act a bit funny and I thought it was broken. I seriously almost felt like crying! I can't believe I actually just admitted that! lol! Luckily the dishwasher is fine now!

#7. I am very frightened of insects and reptiles. They make me run away and cry like a little girl! Just this morning, a centipede decided that it would sneak into my house, go to my bathroom and try to take a shower with me! I screamed louder than ever before! I mean, wouldn't you?!!? That thing was freaking huge and had 50 legs! So gross! Thankfully I have the greatest hubby in the world! He came to my rescue and killed it!

#8. Some people think I eat strange foods. I love pinapple and black olives on my pizza, fruit cocktail in my cereal, almonds in my salads or on chicken, orange juice inside of my sweet tea and lime inside of my salsa.

I'll tag 8 oters tomorrow.

On a side note: I know that I have not been able to visit other photogs blogs as often as I'd like to. I am super busy right now. Not only with my business, but also with my son's health care and education. We are in a long and not so easy process right now concerning our son's education. He HAS to be enrolled in a special education preschool by January. No exceptions. If he is not enrolled by then, he will lose all speech, occupational and bahaviorial therapies. W are having a difficult time finding the right school for him. We want only the best for our son. And if that means we have to fight our county board of education to get the best, then we will do just that!

I am also super busy with designing my new kick butt website! lol! I am so excited and can't wait to show you guys the finished product! The new site will be launched on October 1. So be looking out for it!

Thank you all so much for always visiting my blog and leaving me such nice comments to read! I really do enjoy reading what you all have to say!

And what would a blog post be with out a picture?!

Here is a photo that I took after a session with three sibilings on Tuesday afternoon. I thought this bench was inredibly beautiful. A piece of artwork!